贝利工程与技术学院奖旨在表彰那些表现出色并为贝利工程与技术学院的成功做出重大贡献的教职员工, along with one community engagement 项目 or event and one 学生 organization. The 贝利工程学院 and 技术 seeks nominations for several award categories.
Nominations for the 2021-22 awards will open Spring 2022. 请与我们联系!
贝利工程与技术奖评选委员会将审查所有提名,并根据以下标准选出每位获奖者. 给n the high standards implicit in these awards, there is no guarantee that all of them will be given each year.
如果你认识一个同事, 学生, 项目, and/or organization deserving of special recognition, 请分享你的建议。. 自我提名也将被接受,但由他人提名的个人可能会得到更多的考虑. 获奖者在获得认可后的第四年才有资格申请或再次获得同一奖项类别的提名.
每项提名, 请仔细审查奖项标准和资格要求,然后填写一份简短的提名表格. Feel free to nominate more than one individual or 项目 for each category; however, each nomination requires submitting a separate form. 逾期的提名将不获接纳.
点击贝利工程与技术学院的奖项类别以获得更详细的信息和相应的链接来提交表格. 如有任何问题,请直接向 贝利工程学院 and 技术 院长办公室. We hope you will take this opportunity to nominate candidates.
“卓越教师教学奖”旨在表彰在教学中表现出色的教职员工,这些教职员工对自己的学科做出了贡献,并与贝利工程技术学院的使命保持一致, 目标, 值, 战略计划.
教员(终身教员), 终身教职, 和讲师, (根据大学的定义),在大学连续服务两年或以上,并且在本学年将教授至少两个学期,才有资格获得此奖项.
Previous Awardees who are ineligible to be nominated during this academic year:
- 贝特西·威尔金森,BE (2021-2022)
- Alina Waite, HRDPT (2020-2021)
- Bo McNabb, BE (2019-2020)
- Todd Alberts, AETM (2018-2019)
This year's award recipient will be selected based on the following criteria:
- 高标准的教学效果;
- pedagogical techniques that are appropriate to, 有效的, 多种不同的学习方式;
- positive reputation for teaching from the perspectives of 学生s, colleagues, and alumni.
提名表格连结: BCET:卓越教师教学
“卓越教师研究奖”旨在表彰在研究中表现出色的教职员工,这些教职员工对自己的学科做出了贡献,并与贝利工程技术学院的使命保持一致, 目标, 值, 战略计划.
教员(终身教员), 终身教职, 和讲师, (按大学的定义),并在大学连续服务两年或以上,才有资格获得此奖项. 只有贝利工程技术学院的教职员工才能提名该特定奖项的候选人.
Previous Awardees who are ineligible to be nominated during this academic year:
- Sheikh Ferdous, AETM (2021-2022)
- 迈克尔·威廉姆森,AETM (2020-2021)
- Philip Lee, ECET (2019-2020)
- 克里斯蒂娜律师,AETM (2018-2019)
This year's award recipient will be selected based on the following criteria:
- 在某一领域发表的作品的质量, 被引用的次数证明, 影响因子, 杂志排名, 为例;
- innovation and originality in theory and practice; introduction of important new concepts or findings;
- a series of contributions to the field that have an enduring scientific and societal impact;
- significance of the research for advancing the knowledge in one’s field.
连结至提名表格: BCET:卓越的教师研究
“卓越教师服务奖”旨在表彰在服务中表现出色的教职员工,这些教职员工对自己的学科做出了贡献,并与贝利工程技术学院的使命保持一致, 目标, 值, 战略计划.
教员(终身教员), 终身教职, 和讲师, (按大学的定义),并在大学连续服务两年或以上,才有资格获得此奖项. 只有贝利工程技术学院的教职员工才能提名候选人.
Previous Awardees who are ineligible to be nominated during this academic year:
- 兰迪·彼得斯,AETM (2021-2022)
- 布伦特·麦克唐纳,BE (2020-2021)
- Alina Waite, HRDPT (2019-2020)
- 安德鲁·佩恩,BE (2018-2019)
This year's award recipient will be selected based on the following criteria:
- high level of performance beyond normal job requirements and expectations;
- 对某一领域有重大贡献的;
- commitment to the College’s mission, 目标, 值, 战略计划;
- 协作, 沟通, 同事之间的合作, 校园社区的成员, 和学生.
连结至提名表格: BCET:卓越的教师服务
“年度员工奖”旨在表彰行政bc菠菜导航人员,他们表现出色,超越了该职位的标准工作期望,并与贝利工程技术学院的使命保持一致, 目标, 值, 战略计划.
Previous Awardees who are ineligible to be nominated during this academic year:
- Christina Cantrell, COT 学生服务 (2021-2022)
- 克里斯汀·奈特,AVT (2020-2021)
- 马蒂·米克斯博士.D. 程序 & 院长办公室(2019-2020)
- 玛丽莲·沃登,学生服务部(2018-2019)
This year's award recipient will be selected based on the following criteria:
- 超出职位描述的期望,并不断寻求提高分配的工作质量;
- Demonstrates a commitment to the College's mission and core 值;
- Advances important and significant contributions in their area;
- Displays an ability and willingness to work positively, respectfully, and effectively with others;
- Improves customer service or increases 学生 satisfaction in his/her respective area;
- Manages changes in work priorities, procedures, and organization;
- 促进合作, 沟通, 同事之间的合作 and 校园社区的成员.
连结至提名表格: BCET:年度最佳员工
“卓越指导奖”旨在表彰在本科生或研究生指导方面表现出色的教职员工或行政bc菠菜导航人员, in alignment with the 贝利工程学院 and 技术’s mission, 目标, 值, 战略计划.
教员(终身教员), 终身教职, 和讲师, (按大学的定义)或在大学连续服务两年或以上,并促进学生学术发展的行政bc菠菜导航人员,均有资格获得此奖项.
Previous Awardees who are ineligible to be nominated during this academic year:
- 本杰明·汤姆森,AETM (2021-2022)
- Todd Alberts, AETM (2020-2021)
- 凯伦·达奇,学生服务部(2019-2020)
This year's award recipient will be selected based on the following criteria:
- Offers availability and flexibility to meet with advisees throughout the semester;
- Demonstrates a caring, helpful attitude toward advisees;
- Communicates with advisees on a regular basis;
- Engages 学生s with career and academic mentoring;
- Provides appropriate referrals to campus resources;
- Displays strong interpersonal skills and relationship building with advisees;
- Demonstrates a mastery of institutional regulations, policies, and procedures;
- Embraces and utilizes new advising technologies to promote 学生 success and retention;
- Understands and communicates departmental curriculum with advisees.
连结至提名表格: BCET:卓越的咨询
Any individual who is currently serving on a Standing Committee or 特别的 committee in the 贝利工程学院 and 技术 is eligible for this award. 被提名人不得在教务委员会任职,无论是作为官员还是部门代表. Only a 贝利工程学院 and 技术 教师 member, 讲师, 或由工作人员提名一名候选人.
Previous Awardees who are ineligible to be nominated during this academic year:
- Farman Moayed, BE (2021-2022)
- 安迪·佩里,BE (2020-2021)
- Charmaine Mullins-Jamie, BE (2019-2020)
This year's award recipient will be selected based on the following criteria:
- leadership, responsiveness, and respectfulness while serving; and
- excellence in, intensity of, commitment to, and overall contribution to service.
连结至提名表格: BCET:杰出的学院委员会服务
杰出社区参与奖旨在表彰学生开展的优秀项目或活动, 教师, and/or staff in the 贝利工程学院 and 技术, based on its significant contributions to a specific discipline or the college and our community.
如果你要提名一个项目 that involved multiple people from BCET, please identify 1 or 2 key players who could accept the award on behalf of the larger 项目.
Previous Awardees who are ineligible to be nominated during this academic year:
- ASME STEM Day: Hoosier Prairie Elementary School (2021-2022)
- Fit for the Future Annual STEM Conference by Women in STEM Professions (WISP) (2020-2021)
- 工程师周:儿童博物馆(2019-2020)
This year's community 项目 or event will be selected based on the following criteria:
- Makes a positive impact in the community beyond ISU;
- 为学院带来正面认可, 其中可能包括媒体报道, 社交媒体关注度, acknowledgement from university and community leaders or other constituencies in Terre Haute, 以及其他形式的认可;
- 利用贝利工程技术学院的特殊技能和知识.g., technology, engineering, aviation, design, construction, and training & development) to identify and carry out a specific 项目(s);
- 使学生能够访问项目, 教师, 员工年龄各不相同, bc菠菜导航, 部门, 背景, 和能力;
- 有助于与大学以外的组织和社区建立牢固和持久的关系.
连结至提名表格: 优秀的社区参与
学生组织 that are sponsored by a representative (e.g., 教师 member) of the 贝利工程学院 and 技术 are eligible for this award.
Previous Awardees who are ineligible to be nominated during this academic year:
- bc菠菜导航: Collegiate MCAA Chapter (2021-2022)
- bc菠菜导航: Collegiate SHRM Chapter (2020-2021)
- STEM职业中的女性(WISP) (2019-2020)
This year's 学生 organization will be selected based on the following criteria:
- shows outstanding service and leadership to its members, 大学, 周围的社区, 并在一年内产生显著影响;
- meets its designated mission by completing 项目s and/or programs;
- exhibits initiative, creativity, adaptability and teamwork;
- 服务不同背景的学生, 生活经验和观点,同时努力使这种多样性反映在其成员和领导;
- 有效地沟通其活动, 使新参与者能够访问组织并回应有关组织的询问;
- develops a responsibility transition plan for the continued success of the organization.
连结至提名表格: BCET:年度最佳学生组织